What is parole?
Parole allows a young person to serve part of a custodial sentence imposed by a magistrate or judge in the community under the supervision of a parole officer. The length of time spent on parole will depend on the service received in court. The Youth Parole Board makes the decision about when a young person should be released on parole, after receiving reports from professionals involved in their care and supervision.
What is the Youth Parole Board?
The Youth Parole Board is made up for four people. The chairperson is a judge of the County Court. There are two representatives from the community who have experience in working with young people. The other member is a representative from the Department of Justice and Community Safety.
Who gets parole?
Generally, young people who have received sentences of six months or longer are eligible to be considered for parole.
How does a young person get parole?
Part way through a sentence the Youth Parole Board will set a review date. At the review, the board receives a report from the manager of the youth justice centre about how the young person has been going during their sentence and whether they should be granted parole. If the report is satisfactory and parole is recommended, the board will ask for a parole plan. The parole plan is written by the young person's parole officer after discussion with them about their plans. If the board is satisfied with the parole plan, particularly the accommodation arrangements, parole may be granted two weeks later.
What does a parole officer do?
Parole officers are from the youth justice unit in the region in which the young person lives. The parole officer will meet with a young person at a youth justice centre and prepare their parole plan for the Youth Parole Board to inform their supervision and monitoring in the community.
What is the purpose of parole?
Parole provides a young person with support and supervision on a regular basis. It allows them to spend part of their sentence in the community. Parole gives a young person the opportunity to live back in the community and work through the issues that need to be addressed so that they can remain in the community without re-offending.