On this page

  • Overview

  • About the Plan

  • Organisational priority initiatives

  • Delivery priority initiatives


The Department of Justice and Community Safety (DJCS) Corporate Plan 2024-28 (the Corporate Plan) outlines the vision for the department over the next 4 years. This plan builds on the outstanding work of our teams to create a trusted justice and community safety system that works together to build a just, safe, and resilient Victoria.

About the Plan

Our vision: A trusted justice and community safety system that works together to build a just, safe, and resilient Victoria.

The Corporate Plan is the department's medium-term plan, consistent with the Victorian Government's objectives, priorities and budget decisions.

The Victorian Budget 2024–25 highlights how we will deliver our core priorities more efficiently, with a focus on:

  • keeping the community safe
  • diverting people from the justice system
  • responding to crime
  • supporting our emergency services
  • managing disaster relief and recovery.

We also remain deeply committed to Aboriginal self-determination and addressing the over-representation of Aboriginal people in the criminal justice system. 

The four-year plan is refreshed annually in accordance with requirements under the Financial Management Act 1994.

The department reports on delivery in line with government requirements, including a detailed annual report. You can view past annual reports outlining the department’s services and activities.


Organisational priority initiatives

Focusing on our organisational priorities enables us to meet government commitments and deliver services to the community in an effective, efficient and humane way, whilst ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our staff. Our organisational priorities articulate how we work, make decisions and our commitment to making a positive impact on the community. 

Key Initiatives:


Safe, supported and capable workforce

Enabling a healthy and thriving workforce that thinks safety and works safely.

  • Implement the department’s Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy 2021–25 to build a culture of zero tolerance to unsafe practices and behaviours and promote a workforce that thinks safety and works safely.
  • Reduce the impact of workplace accidents and injuries through advice, guidance and early intervention related to best practice injury management, including tailored return to work programs, and promoting our Early Injury Intervention Service.
  • Provide learning and training solutions that align to the needs of our staff and support the development of our workforce, such as a Charter of Human Rights education program and enhanced training to address recommendations of the Cultural Review of the Adult Custodial Corrections System.
  • Design and implement refreshed honorary justice training for volunteers to support integrity and consistency in practice, and uphold the VPS values in delivering vital justice services to the community.
  • Develop, implement and monitor contemporary inclusion and intersectionality strategies and policies that promote inclusion, diversity and improved support for our staff.
  • Build workforce capability in understanding and responding to family violence, in turn reducing the risk of workplace harm and building a safer community.

Aboriginal justice

Ensuring a culturally safe justice system for Aboriginal people, shaped by self-determination

  • Implement an Aboriginal Workforce Strategy focused on attraction, retention and creating career pathways for the Aboriginal workforce. 
  • Enhance understanding and inclusivity through cultural awareness programs for our workforce including Aboriginal cultural awareness and cultural safety, and role-specific training for corrections and youth justice staff.
  • In partnership with Victorian Aboriginal communities, continue to implement and support the Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA) - including the evaluation of AJA Phase 4 and development and implementation of AJA Phase 5.
  • Engage with and respond to the Yoorrook Justice Commission and progress recommendations of the Yoorrook for Justice report, in line with the Victorian Government’s response.
  • Drive Treaty readiness activities and contribute to the State’s Treaty negotiating positions.
  • Address the continued impacts of Stolen Generations policies and practices, including delivery of the Stolen Generations Reparations Package.
  • Lead and support policy and legislative reform to address Aboriginal over-representation in the criminal justice system, including reforms to address priorities identified by Victorian Aboriginal communities, the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and external reviews.
  • Administer the AJA Community Grants Program, to enable Aboriginal Organisations to design and deliver initiatives that improve Aboriginal justice outcomes.

Safer community and positive client impact

Work collaboratively to provide effective justice services that keep the Victorian community safe and improve outcomes for our clients.

  • Prevent youth offending through early intervention by engaging young people in the community and addressing risk factors for offending.
  • Implement the legislated Family Violence Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework to provide a consistent and effective response for people experiencing or using family violence through collaboration with other services.
  • Support Local Site Executive Committees to build capacity to respond to local drivers of crime, ensuring service design is informed by evidence and lived experience.
  • Continue to support implementation of the Dhelk Dja Agreement, which aims to ensure that Aboriginal people are culturally strong, safe and self-determining, with families and communities living free from family violence.

Service-oriented corporate and people services

Provide efficient and effective corporate and people services to the department that build employee engagement, manage risk and are cost effective.

  • Deliver timely, accurate and valuable legal advice and services across the department and to our Ministers and entities.
  • Strengthen departmental integrity and child safety practices by building awareness, responding to risks, strengthening compliance activities and adopting an intelligence-led approach.
  • Support the Attorney-General in their First Law Officer functions.
  • Ensure the department’s corporate service model is fit-for-purpose, well defined and contemporary to our current context, including the fiscal and resource environment.
  • Uplift departmental systems, processes, frameworks and tools to support a more efficient working environment, whilst reducing risks.
  • Develop and implement a new departmental cyber strategy to ensure we design, build and operate our systems and processes in a cyber-safe and reliable manner.
  • Develop and implement new corporate frameworks to manage risks, contribute to climate resilience and environmental sustainability, and ensure business continuity in the face of disruptive events.

Evidence-based decisions

Enabling evidence-based and responsible decision making.

  • Enhance governance and oversight of key departmental activities through improved linkages and partnerships to ensure decisions and performance monitoring are informed by holistic, integrated, and accurate data.
  • Progress reform of the department’s Death in Custody review methods, including enhanced reporting, to better inform changes necessary to prevent similar incidents from occurring.
  • Strengthen the department’s approach to evaluation through the establishment of a Centre for Evaluation to improve the performance insights and continuous improvement of departmental programs.
  • Develop bail reporting statistics to create an evidence base for monitoring and assessment of recent changes to the Bail Act 1977 (Vic).

Financially sustainable operations

Delivering sustainable services that meet community expectations and mitigate risks. 

  • Develop a justice sector-wide asset and infrastructure plan to provide a comprehensive analysis of future demand projections and potential supply options, enabling prioritisation of strategic investments.
  • Strengthen financial governance to improve the consideration and balance of financial and operational risk.
  • Improve access to strategic financial information to better enable financial and operational decisions in planning, investment, and resourcing priorities.

Delivery priority initiatives

Our delivery priorities reflect our departmental objectives as detailed in the government’s Budget Paper 3 aligned to 6 themes. 

Key Initiatives:


Police and crime prevention

  • Implement recommendations from the Private Security Industry Review to support community safety and promote fairer conditions for workers in the industry.
  • Monitor and support the implementation of Public Intoxication Reforms to transition from a justice-based approach to a health response.
  • Support national work to introduce a National Firearms Register, including stakeholder consultation, legislative reform and enhancing national consistency of regulation work.
  • Partner with the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (DFFH), Department of Education, and Victoria Police to deliver a new service model for young people at risk, prioritising early intervention, addressing adolescent family violence drivers and impacts, and aligning with other youth services.
  • Ensure appropriate governance for the BlueHub police mental health program, funded by government and delivered by The Police Association of Victoria.
  • Administer the Victoria Police Death and Disability Benefits Contingency Fund to provide additional benefits to operational Victoria Police members aged 55 to 59 who terminate service with Victoria Police due to total and permanent disability or death.
  • Deliver Early Intervention Support Schemes established under the Terrorism (Community Protection) Amendment Act 2021 (Vic) to support vulnerable people to move away from radicalisation.
  • Enhance the protection of crowded places across Victoria through capability building and public safety initiatives, including design and delivery of public awareness content and training.
  • Contribute to the delivery of the Victorian Road Safety Strategy and associated initiatives, including delivery of new road safety cameras to enforce safer driver behaviour.

Emergency management

  • Reduce the impact of emergency events on communities through risk reduction and resilience policy and program implementation, such as the Disaster Ready Fund and delivery of annual preparedness activities.
  • Delivery of timely and responsive emergency management arrangements during emergencies through continuing to deliver and refine the dedicated 24/7 State Control Centre operating model.
  • Lead and coordinate best practice relief and recovery for communities impacted by emergencies, including recovery programs for those impacted by the 2023–24 disasters.
  • Deliver reform programs as directed by the Minister for Emergency Services and in response to lessons learned, reviews and inquiries, including continuing to progress reforms across fire services.
  • Develop the capacity and capability of the emergency management workforce through sector-wide incident and emergency management training and capability building, and delivering improvements to emergency management network radios to ensure they remain fit-for-purpose.
  • Develop and deliver the systems and services that underpin our operational and legislative emergency management responsibilities, including the maintenance of VicEmergency and Victoria’s Emergency Management Common Operating Picture.

Adult corrections and youth justice services

  • Reshape corrections and justice services operations to align resources to risk and optimise efficiency to deliver the modern services and infrastructure needed, including opening the new Western Plains Correctional Centre in 2025 and decommissioning older accommodation and infrastructure, such as Dhurringile Prison and Port Phillip Prison.
  • Continue to collaborate with other departments, agencies, community, and sector partners to ensure that custodial and community-based services are effective, protect and reflect human rights and meet the diverse needs of people in our care.
  • Enhance partnerships and oversight of key contracted providers, including healthcare and private prisons, to support safe and effective custodial and community-based services.
  • Work in partnership with the Victorian Aboriginal community to progress priority corrections initiatives that promote Aboriginal self-determination and improve outcomes for Aboriginal people in our care.
  • Implement accepted recommendations from significant reviews of the corrections system, ensuring reforms are informed by staff, Aboriginal communities, and people with lived experience of the system.
  • Continue to reconfigure the Youth Justice custodial system by decommissioning the Malmsbury Youth Justice Precinct and embedding key reforms at Parkville Youth Justice Precinct, including the reception community and dual-track models, to deliver efficient and effective outcomes.
  • Continue to deliver priority initiatives aligned to Wirkara Kulpa and the whole of government response to the Yoorrook for Justice report, which focus on culturally responsive support for Aboriginal children and young people.
  • Pending royal assent of the Youth Justice Bill 2024, implement changes to practice, systems and operations to reflect the new legislative framework.
  • Continue initiatives to improve support of overrepresented communities in Youth Justice, including via the South Sudanese Australian Youth Justice Expert Working Group.
  • Design and implement a new Alternative Service Model, in partnership with DFFH to deliver a service response to the increased minimum age of criminal responsibility.
  • Strengthen organisational integrity in Youth Justice by supporting compliance with the Child Safe Standards, implementing accepted recommendations from significant reviews including the landmark Youth Justice Review, and delivering on priorities of the Youth Justice Integrity Strategy.

Protecting the rights of Victorians

  • Establish a new administrative Financial Assistance Scheme for Victims of Crime that provides financial assistance to victims of violent crimes in a culturally safe, inclusive and trauma-informed way.
  • Contribute to coordinated reforms across the justice service systems to address misidentification of predominant aggressors to ensure effective family violence responses and support further legislative and service delivery reform.
  • Build a sound evidence-base to inform effective interventions for family violence perpetrators that ensures accountability, meets diverse needs, and strengthens women’s safety.
  • Continue to deliver the Fiskville Redress Scheme for victims of exposure to unsafe practices at the former Fiskville Training College site.
  • Continue to deliver the Historical Forced Adoptions Redress Scheme to acknowledge the impact of historical forced adoption practices.

Fair and accessible justice services

  • Deliver the Attorney-General’s priority legislative program, including anti-vilification and minimum age reforms, and changes to the stalking offence.
  • Design and implement infringement technology and processes to enable the future state fines system, enhance compliance outcomes and support vulnerable Victorians.
  • Ensure governance and accountability in the delivery of high-quality services to children requiring adoption and people affected by past adoption, so that past practices are never repeated.
  • Deliver the System Review of Court Fees across all Victorian courts and tribunals and renegotiate the Court Fee Pool Agreement to support effective court operations and promote access to justice.
  • Lead the renegotiation of the National Legal Assistance Partnership agreement to ensure that Victoria has its fair share of Commonwealth funding for the legal assistance sector.
  • Lead Attorney-General policy, strategy and legislation responsibilities relating to the courts and justice system, including delivering improvements to access to justice, financial stability, and court data sharing.
  • Deliver the Attorney-General’s legislative program for Major Crime and Investigative Powers and Integrity Policy and Performance in collaboration with other departments, agencies and sector partners to ensure that services are effective, coordinated, integrated and easy to navigate.
  • Lead the implementation of recommendations from the Legal Services Review to drive innovation, efficiencies and savings in the delivery of legal services across government.

Casino, gaming, liquor and racing regulation

  • Improve customer interactions with the liquor regulator through new digital application forms and website uplift.
  • Improve liquor licence processing times, without compromising risk-based licence assessments and decision making.
  • Progress and support gambling reform and harm prevention initiatives, including legislative and policy reforms such as implementation of mandatory carded play and pre-commitment on all gaming machines. 
  • Deliver strong liquor regulatory policy informed by diverse stakeholder engagement that minimises harm arising from the misuse and abuse of alcohol.
  • Undertake a review of racing statutory entity governance arrangements to ensure an effective regulatory framework that addresses emerging risks and efficiently delivers integrity oversight.
  • Maximise strategic investments through the Victorian Racing Industry Fund and Major Events Fund to derive benefit for regional racing clubs and communities.

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