03 8684 1933
Postal address
LCAC Secretariat
Gaming and Liquor Regulation Group
PO Box 123

The Liquor Control Advisory Council (the council) is established under section 5 of the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998.

The council’s remit is to provide advice to the Minister for Consumer Affairs, Gaming and Liquor Regulation (the minister) on alcohol related policy and any other matters referred to it.

The Victorian Government, through the minister, seeks the council’s advice on minimising alcohol-related harm while encouraging a culture of responsible consumption of alcohol and facilitating the development of diverse liquor, licensed hospitality and live music industries.

The council consists of a chair and members appointed by the minister. The chair provides leadership to the council and assists the council to understand and carry out its role.

Members are drawn from industry, academia, community groups and advocacy groups, and reflect a diverse range of skills, backgrounds and expertise. Members are appointed based on their understanding of alcohol and community issues, their understanding of health and public policy and their ability to contribute constructively to the work of the council.

Council members meet approximately four times a year to discuss alcohol-related issues and projects based on an annual work plan.

The council establishes working groups to carry out more detailed work on projects identified in the work plan. Working groups consist of council members and others who are invited to sit on a working group due to their relevant expertise and skills.

The council’s work is not necessarily about achieving consensus, but rather helping to inform decisions and to identify areas where members agree and those areas where agreement cannot be reached. Where there are divergent views, these views will be recorded in the advice provided to the minister.